Facebook Carousel Ads

Facebook carousel ads are an ideal format to show up to 10 images and/or videos in a single ad. Facebook carousel ads allow you to feature one or multiple products and also gives you a platform to educate your customers on your brand and offerings. One benefit of Facebook carousel ads is the ability to grab the attention of your audience quickly using photos or videos that have multiple call-to-actions. By using multiple photos and videos, your ad can reach different customer personas in one ad. Below are a few tips for how your company could utilize Facebook carousel ads.

1) Create a story.

Build out a story that illustrates a narrative. Create a tutorial from start to finish using Facebook carousel ads. Make it real, make it fun and solve a problem. When you provide a compelling story, customers can see themselves experiencing the same process. Facebook carousel ads are a great way to explain a process in simpler terms, while simultaneously providing illustrations. The creativity you can have with carousel ads is endless.

Facebook carousel ads are an ideal format to show up to 10 images and/or videos in a single ad. Facebook carousel ads allow you to feature one or multiple products and also gives you a platform to educate your customers on your brand and offerings. One benefit of Facebook carousel ads is the ability to grab the attention of your audience quickly using photos or videos that have multiple call-to-actions. By using multiple photos and videos, your ad can reach different customer personas in one ad. Below are a few tips for how your company could utilize Facebook carousel ads.

1) Create a story.

Build out a story that illustrates a narrative. Create a tutorial from start to finish using Facebook carousel ads.

Facebook Carousel Ads

Make it real, make it fun and solve a problem. When you provide a compelling story, customers can see themselves experiencing the same process. Facebook carousel ads are a great way to explain a process in simpler terms, while simultaneously providing illustrations. The creativity you can have with carousel ads is endless.

2) Roll out a new product or line of products.

When rolling out a new product, showcase the different features using Facebook carousel ads. When done effectively, you can highlight the many features your single product has to offer. Also, customers can get a detailed glimpse of your new product by providing more than one photo. If you are releasing a line of products, there’s no better way than through carousel ads to showcase several products from the line. Facebook also gives you the ability to include multiple landing pages so you can link your products accordingly.

3) Be informative through explanation.

How about a fun “Did you know?” ad as an easy way to get your audience thinking. Or how about a brand awareness ad by providing the many benefits of your business? When developing informational ads, create an ad that’s intriguing by using clear instructions and clear call-to-actions. Aside from being clear, you should also be concise in your carousel ads to keep your audience engaged. Below are a few design recommendations to ensure your ad doesn’t become too lengthy.

Design Recommendations

Image: minimal Text
Headline: 40 characters
Link description: 20 characters

4) Utilize a call-to-action button.

Call-to-action buttons help the conversation continue beyond the ad. That is the point of the ad after all, right? Create call-to-actions that fit each carousel slide appropriately. Here are a few examples you could include:

  • Apply now
  • Shop now
  • Contact us
  • Donate now
  • Download here
  • Learn more
  • Request time


For more information on Social Media Marketing for your business, contact Pizzazz Group at customer@pizzazzgroup.com or by calling (614) 350-1681.

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