Digital Marketing Plan

If you are a business owner you need to have a smart digital marketing plan! You want to keep your customers informed and excited about your products/services and most of our clients want to bring in MORE customers. We are often asked, “How can I get more customers to my website?” or “How can I get expand my customer base or get the word out about our special promotions?” Although every business is unique, there are basic common tips that hold true for all digital marketing plans.

#1. Analyze & Determine Your Goals

Think about your goals for your business. Are they what they always have been since you started your business? Maybe you need to modify your current goals or maybe you just need to start over and create new goals. Whatever you decide, stick with it and don’t waver! Let it drive your marketing strategies.

Now that you have identified your goals, you can start to develop your digital marketing plan.

If you are a business owner you need to have a smart digital marketing plan! You want to keep your customers informed and excited about your products/services and most of our clients want to bring in MORE customers. We are often asked, “How can I get more customers to my website?” or “How can I get expand my customer base or get the word out about our special promotions?” Although every business is unique, there are basic common tips that hold true for all digital marketing plans.

#1. Analyze & Determine Your Goals

Think about your goals for your business. Are they what they always have been since you started your business? Maybe you need to modify your current goals or maybe you just need to start over and create new goals. Whatever you decide, stick with it and don’t waver! Let it drive your marketing strategies.

Digital Marketing Plan

Now that you have identified your goals, you can start to develop your digital marketing plan.

#2. Identify Your Audience

Know your customers. Think about exactly who your current customers are. Look at your best customers and identify their characteristics. This will give you insight as far as how to reach the customer base that fits best for your business. Also don’t forget to listen to your customers. Social media is a great way to get feedback.

#3. Look At Your Competition

In order to beat your competition you need to study them! Look at their website, their social media presence, their digital advertising, and see how you stack up. Determine how you can differentiate yourself from your competition and keep your customers coming back to you.

#4. Set A Budget

You need to determine what you can afford to spend with your current finances. Start with a reasonable figure, 5% of gross revenue as a starting point, and then go up or down depending on what you are comfortable with. Most small businesses and many large, are not lucky enough to have the time and possess the “know how” to design, develop, and execute their digital marketing strategies. Just know the more attention, effort, and resources you spend, the better the outcome. That is why most businesses rely on digital marketing firms to assist them.

#5. Diversify Your Digital Marketing Efforts

There are many digital marketing services available to promote your business. Maybe you need a new website that is mobile friendly. Google now ranks mobile friendly websites higher in searches. Check out Google’s mobile friendly test to test your website.
If you are happy with your website and it is mobile friendly, you want to utilize digital marketing strategies to get more customers to your website. A small Google Adwords campaign may be the answer for you. You may also consider retargeting to get consumers back to your website. Maybe you want to utilize email campaigns or social media platforms to engage with customers and raise brand awareness.
Whatever you decide, don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Come up with a diversified digital marketing plan. Monitor it well and continuously improve your strategies and relevance.

#6. Be Consistent & Clear

All digital strategies, whether it be your website, your social media pictures and posts, your email campaigns, etc should have a consistent look, tone, and message. Make sure your content is relevant, compelling and engaging! This helps customers identify your brand and promotes trust in your business and your product.

For more information on a tailored Digital Marketing Plan for your business, contact Pizzazz Group at or by calling (614) 350-1681.

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